Monday, December 19, 2011

Does google voice use my phone minutes?

I have google voice on my ipod touch, and when i call someone, it routes through my cell phone. Does this use my minutes?|||It uses data, and a lot of it, but not minutes.|||When you tell Google Voice to call you and connect the call, it will ring the cell phone, and once you answer the phone, it will use cellular minutes. Your cell phone is still receiving the call, and in the US, cellular carriers count incoming, and outgoing minutes as minutes being used.

If you are able to get a new phone, consider an Android Smart Phone. You will be able to install Google Voice, and make the calls directly from the phone. It will still consume minutes, but it will remove the need to have the iPod Touch tell Google Voice to call your cell phone to make a call. Instead will be done directly from the phone.

At this time, Google Voice on Smart phones does not support SIP calling, and therefore still needs to use the cellular calling network. However, SMS uses the Internet Data connection rather than the SMS services.|||I am not 100% sure on google voice.

But if I understand it correctly it uses the internet to contact your chosen people.

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